Ministering to the Village of San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo is an indigenous Mayan community located in the Chimaltenango department on the northwest side of the Acatenango Volcano. The village has around 200 residents and is accessible by only one road. Its isolated location restricts residents from access to regular medical services, food deliveries and education. Additionally, the village has no clean water and its well does not draw enough water to support the residents through the annual six-month dry season.
Like many Mayan villages, the people often hold on to ancient Mayan customs and beliefs. These, blended with a nominal Catholic presence creates an unclear and often works-based understanding of the Gospel. Parkview is committed to sharing the complete gospel that Jesus came to earth as completely God and Man, lived a perfect life, offered Himself as payment for our sins, rose again on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Faith alone in this truth and submission to Christ as Lord of your life is the only means of salvation. There is currently no church nor regular Christian service in the village.
Currently, Parkview is raising funds to help the village access more water through a deeper well, store it effectively with a larger reservoir, and install a water purification system.
Parkview also supports children and families through monthly sponsorships.
Child sponsorships provide a daily meal to children in the school, vitamins, access to well-checks, school supplies, and supplemental food to take to their families. Currently all children are sponsored.
Village sponsorships provide as needed, help to elderly, widows, and families in need, and also provide funds when urgent needs arise. Village sponsorships are available in $10 increments up to $40 per month.
For more information about how to support through sponsorships, donations, and/or joining us on a visit to the village, contact Kevin Lovell at or (256) 508-6517.
Facts about Guatemala:
- 54-62% of the population live BELOW the poverty line
- Median Annual HOUSEHOLD income: $4,516
- 6th highest rate of Child Stunting in the World (highest in Western Hemisphere)
- Fought Civil War from 1960-1996
- Mayan communities are most ravaged from civil war and most neglected by the government